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The best part about having questions? Is getting the answers you’re after! We’ve put together this handy list of FAQs to answer some of your burning desires, whoops, we mean questions


What does an accountant do?

What you don’t want to do. Just kidding, but we do keep you out of jail and on top of your taxation and compliance. Not to mention, we cheerlead you all the way to a super dooper fantastic business that you can proudly say is yours (until it doesn’t do what you want it to do and then it’s your partners right 😊).  Ok sure. That’s the cocktail party answer. Here’s the real lowdown. 


Technical definition: An accountant is a professional who is responsible for keeping and interpreting financial records.


All In definition: A bunch of dead set legends who keep you out of jail and on top of your taxation and compliance whilst also helping to build and de-stress your business.

I hate working with spreadsheets (and anything to do with numbers) - do I have to take over after you’ve put systems in place?

No way! We got ya back here.  We have a super pack of legends who can keep those numbers humming for eternity so you can focus on what you do best and leave us with the rest!


What services do you offer, do you have a list I can take a look at to see if we’re a good fit?

So you’re looking for the menu? – Well we do offer a buffet smorgasbord that is too good to be true that you can check out here, but we like to meet with you to find out if you have any allergies first.  So why not go to our contact page and fill in some deets so we can customise your order or you can skip the queue and book a consult with us.


How much does it cost to see an accountant?

How long is a piece of string? Nah just kidding. Once we know what you need, we can provide you with a fixed quote so there’s no nasty bill shock – trust us we know the feeling and we want you to keep those good vibes rolling.  We also offer a free intro meeting, I know (I know) too good to be true right?


Do you use Xero? Do I need to use Xero? And what is ‘the cloud’?

Um… yes! We are Xero cloud champions *you clearly didn’t read the bio 😊.  If you’re a business utilising accounting software you will need to use Xero to work with us (however there are a few exceptions 😉) but if you don’t right now that’s OK as we can help you get there. 


The simplest way to explain the cloud – it’s the next evolution of the internet … assuming your familiar with the internet?


Do you work with businesses long term? I’m looking to build a relationship for the long term.

100% this is our jam! We are in it for the long haul baby, no short term heartbreakers here.  We want to work with you to help you with your business so we invest – we are the anti-thesis of Ross from Friends when he said ‘We were on a break’, you can rest assured we never go on a break with our clients.

My finances are all over the place, I know I have receipts somewhere but I can’t quite seem to find them. 

Totally cool, don’t feel bad, it happens to the best of us, but the most awesome part is that once we have finished with you, you will never lose a receipt again and that is for real!


I want to upgrade my systems, do I need to be George Jetson (or perhaps his boy Elroy) to make this work?

Nope! Because we are and this is the stuff we l-o-v-e! No seriously! We have been doing this for many a year and won many an award for it, so you you’re in good hands. We’ll support you every step of the way and we even get the pom poms out and give you a cheer! (but only if you like that type of thing)


Aren’t accountants meant to be kind of boring?

Yes, bahahahahaha.  Nah seriously, the times are a changing and boring just isn’t the way we play.


Is it rude to refer to the taxation department as the taxman-ian devil?

Not at all, we do it all the time! I mean they give out money only to tax it back right so it’s only fair.


Is it hard to breakup with my current accountant?

No way José – it’s really easy, they just don’t want to let you know that (whoops trade secret given away).  Why not make some time to meet with us so we can take you through the 'how to' guide of breaking up with your current accountant (not us of course ... but please only do this if you are ready and they aren’t delivering what you need, ie you’ve outgrown them or they don’t want to provide advisory services or move you to the cloud, or they talk down to you or they keep making mistakes – we need to stop here because we could go on forever, trust us we have seen some doozies). Not having good snacks in the reception area is also a valid reason. 


Ready to go ALL IN?

OMG same!


Looks like someone’s looking for an excuse to procrastinate their accounts.


Since you’re down here… can you relate?

The Fine Print

So here's the disclaimer ... the material contained on this website is general commentary only, it is not advice and is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified professional so don't rely on it without first obtaining specific professional advice.  ​Whilst every reasonable effort is made to provide information that is accurate we give no assurance or warranty that information on this site is current, and take no responsibility for matters arising from changed circumstances or other information or material which may affect the accuracy of information. The content contained in this website is subject to change at any time without notice.  All In Advisory, it's employees and agents accept no responsibility to any person who acts or relies in any way on any of the material without first obtaining specific professional advice.

©2018 by All In Advisory Pty Ltd.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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